This mainly went on for most of her senior year. At first I would just mainly be sad about the fact that they would rather be with her than with me. But after that I became angry and bitter not only towards my friends but towards my sister. By the time that she was leaving for college I was all to excited not to share my friends with my sister.
During those first couple weeks of her being gone, God definitely had helped me deal with my bitterness, and how stupid it was that I was even acting this way.
However it wasn’t until about a month ago did I really realize why my bitterness, aside from being a sin, was ultimately pointless. My friend Kristina (that’s her and me in the Picture) had recently finished this weekend long mini retreat type thing, and she was telling me all about. She said the theme was that finding your identity in Christ and not people. It didn’t really hit me until later that God was telling me that. He was saying not to find who I am in my friends or the comparisons made by people, but in Christ, because his opinion of me is all that matters.
I still sometimes feel insecure, like any one, but every time I do I just remember that Christ died for me and that he thinks I’m worth it.