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I love roller coasters!
This season right now reminds me of the part of roller coasters where
you are climbing the first really big hill.
As you climb up, you have this excitement about what you are about to
experience. As you climb the really
gigantic coasters, your excitement builds and the ascent seems to take
forever. For some of you, your journey
towards this trip has been building since last fall. For others you have just jumped onboard this
spring. For all of you the last bit of
the hill to climb before you launch out onto the mission field will be training
camp in Gainesville, GA.

As you prepare I want to give you a list of things that you
can expect at training camp. This is not
an exhaustive list, but it will give you a bit of perspective.

You will be trained in:

children’s ministry

cross cultural

spiritual warfare



and a few other fun things perhaps

You will also be doing some team building where a problem is
set and you and your team must work it out together. This will give you an
opportunity to learn to communicate better as well as learn more about one

You will be stretched out of your comfort zone.

This is a tentative schedule.

6:00 AM Wake

6:15 Your
Time with the Lord (This is the most important part of your day!)

7:00 Debrief
Quiet Times (As a Team)

7:15 Breakfast

8:00 Concert
of Prayer

8:30 Training

12:00 Lunch

1:00 More

5:00 Free

6:00 Dinner

6:45 Worship
and Message

7:45 Team

9:45 Get
ready for bed!

10:00 Lights
out! (Lights of course meaning flashlights.)

A Few Important
Things to Note About Training Camp

weather is unpredictable. Keep in mind Georgia gets HOT. During the day but can be a little chilly in the morning. Please refer to the dress code
and packing list for what to bring to training camp.

Sometimes it rains on us in Georgia. If it rains, your clothes
that you wear at training camp
WILL get ruined. Georgia
Red Clay is not forgiving. Just know that your clothes for training camp might
not make it out alive (and this includes shoes).

If you have EVER had ANY trouble with
allergies expect them to act up in Georgia, so bring what you need to
take care of yourself.

Training camp is fun…SO COME EXCITED!

*Videos provided by Brandon Headrick, a World Racer who is currently on the field.

One response to “Training Camp Info”

  1. You guys are going to love training camp! (Or as I like to say “TC”) And do bring shoes that you can throw away after TC.