A couple of previous Ambassadors had this to say about their trip to Ireland.Hey everybody, Dublin, Ireland has been challenging, but God is continually breaking the spiritual strongholds that bind the people of this country. We have come to find that the children are more receptive than any group. To date, 5 children have come to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. From the mouths of babes God has ordained praise. I am so excited to see the move of God in this place. ~Marcus
Sunday afternoon, when we got home from walking around the city, a group of us were met at the door by a group of kids. With them was a new little guy who we hadn’t met yet. Ross, the “leader of the pack” was yelling, “Gary wants to know about Jesus. Gary wants to know about Jesus!” Shari, Trisha and I walked Gary down to the corner and had the opportunity to share with him the dear truth of the Gospel. Gary and I prayed together and he invited Jesus to be his Savior! I was so encouraged by the precious simplicity of his child-like faith. Pray for Gary as he begins his new life in Christ! ~Chelsea
Hey, everything is going awesome. I hope all is good at home. The second night, I was able to talk with a guy named Antoine. We talked about so much and I was able to give him a Bible. It was awesome and I trust he will soon find God. I’ve been able to play my guitar on the streets with Derek and Eric who are both awesome. It’s been a great way to minister and a good conversation starter for others on the team with people who pass by. The VBS kids are crazy, but they can be fun. ~Drew